Edward Sylvan Net worth tied to SEGI Share price

Edward Sylvan Net Worth is closely tied to the share price of Sycamore Entertainment Group Inc.
Edward is the CEO and largest shareholder. As of the pictured statement, he currently holds 1,347,290,992 shares valued at $.0007 making his net worth greater than $943,103,69.
Edward Sylvan Net Worth is further enhanced as he has other assets such as shares in other companies, cars, and interests in other business.
As as result of Edward Sylvan’s net worth being so closely tied to Sycamore it will fluctuate as the SEGI Share price goes up and down.
Edward Sylvan
Edward Sylvan is a entrepreneur, Founder and CEO of Sycamore Entertainment Group Inc. and its streaming platform SEGI TV. He is among a select group of Black executives who have founded, own, and control a publicly traded company.